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Other Activities
Taekwondo Poomse and Sparring Workshop
The best thing in our taekwondo group is that we are like a one stop shop. We handle everything that is needed in taekwondo, from experienced instructors down to where one can find the highest quality equipments and uniforms.
However we don’t stop there; we also provide taekwondo workshops, in which only the best trainors are being invited to speak in front of our students. In fact Last summer, we invited our very own World Taekwondo Champion Mr.Japoy Lizado or more commonly known as the “Milo Boy” as our guest speaker.

We conduct Special Promotion Test to upgrade the belt of our students.

Our team is very active in participating on different competitions; as a matter of fact we join beyond 15 to 30 competitions per year.

Welcome to Rafael Taekwondo Academy.
We offer a variety of fun and exciting training techniques
so that the students
would not be bored with our taekwondo classes.
We also use modern equipments to further enhance
and sharpen their skill.
In this way, the students would develop their
speed, strength and agility on a much faster rate.
This is the legacy of our taekwondo team.
We will train your kids using only the best
and futuristic martial art equipments
to keep up with the times.